
12 May 2023
Publication Xavier Godard’s book on 40 years of CODATU Conferences
In 12 major questions, Xavier GODARD reminds us of the main lessons in terms of sustainable mobility in the major […]
14 December 2020
“Alternative revenue sources for urban transport : presentation and discussion on the French Mobility Tax”, by Thierry Desclos, Clotilde Minster (World Bank)
  Abstract Financing urban mobility is a worldwide issue and is increasingly so as the world urbanizes. This question has […]
7 February 2020
5 years later, Kochi and the establishment of a Transport Authority
The city of Kochi (Cochin) welcomed in 2017 a first metro line of which Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL), a […]
9 April 2019
[Technical Cooperation Peru] CODATU and IFEA co-authored an article!
Using references for the co-construction of knowledge: technical cooperation for urban transport in Peru The article co-authored by Jeremy Robert […]
26 March 2019
[Technical Cooperation Brazil] Our overview publication is now available!
“Transition towards a more inclusive mobility and construction of a new urban culture in Brazil” This document closes a two-year […]
7 September 2018
Practical guide for the organisation of car-free days, by CODATU
The organization of car-free days is a powerful tool in terms of raising awareness as it demonstrates our cities’ potential […]
18 July 2018
Planning urban mobility in developing countries for more energy-efficient cities : the required alliance between global objectives and local needs.
Most of cities in developing countries face the dual challenge of an extremely rapid urban transition and the energy transition. […]
19 June 2018
How to implement a new integrated system of public transport in Peru?
This document was developed with the aim of capitalizing the main progress and work done through the Technical Cooperation into […]
9 May 2018
Sexual harassment and women-only transport in Egypt
According to a UN Women report (April 2013), ninety-nine percent of women in Egypt have experienced a form of sexual […]
17 January 2018
[Publication] Why watching African streets? The case of Lome.
[Publication] Why watching African streets? The case of Lome. Fieldwork of Master II students “Transport and sustainable mobility in African […]
10 January 2018
[Report] Urban Mobility Forum In Egypt: Efficient Urban Transport for Sustainable Cities
This Report presents the conclusions of the 2nd Urban Mobility Forum (UMF) in Egypt which was organised November 22th, 2017 […]
18 October 2017
The Kochi Metro Experience: A valuable contribution to the history of Indian metros
To highlight the many learnings gathered during the two-year Technical Cooperation between AFD (French Agency for Development), SYTRAL (Transport Authority […]
31 March 2017
Fare integration and the unique ticketing system in Mediterranean cities
The fare integration and the single ticketing system as a fundamental pillar for the development of an integrated public transport […]
31 March 2017
A walk through Kochi (Kerala, India)
A walk through Kochi (Kerala, India) Authors: Roman Ville-Glasauer & Bella Ullas In this experimental walk, we are trying to […]
11 July 2016
During the Habitat III preparatory process, the CODATU Permanent Scientific and Technical Committee (PSTC) proposed to send a Message from […]
8 November 2014
Paratransit: a key element in a dual system
In most cities of the global south, two types of public transport exist: institutional and paratransit. They operate according to […]
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