10 July 2024

Codatu facilitates the exchange of experience between Cali and Lyon on integrated transport networks

On Tuesday 9 July, Codatu organised an exchange of experience between the Cali Regional Transport Authority (ART) and Sytral (Lyon).

The ART is a young structure responsible for coordinating transport planning in the metropolitan area of Cali and its neighbouring municipalities. There is a great deal of inter-municipal travel, giving rise to problems that the authorities are seeking to resolve. A number of initiatives are planned, including a commuter train, which will require the coordination of the various players through ART.

The young ART team, which was in the process of setting up its own structure, was keen to learn from the experience of Sytral, the Lyon-based public transport authority, which has developed an integrated transport network and is still expanding and improving.

The creation of the ART is, in particular, the result of cooperation that Codatu conducted with local stakeholders from 2019 to 2020, in collaboration with AFD. We are continuing to support this public transport authority, which is gradually consolidating its position.

A discussion moderated by Lucile Boudet. Thanks to Gautier Rouhet from SYTRAL and Juanita Concha and her team from ART de Cali!