20 June 2016

Call for application to VREF Study Visit Grant

for application until 31st October 2016

The VREF invites PhD students and researchers in early stages of their career (max 5 years after PhD exam) to apply for grants for short-term study visits. The invitation is continuously open until October 31st, 2016, and the study visit should be carried out before December 31st, 2016. The VREF wishes to have wide distribution of grants between universities, thus in the first half of 2016 (up to 30 June 2016) a maximum of one (1) grant will be awarded to the same home university.

The overall objectives of the SVG are:

  1. to strengthen interaction within the VREF FUT Program Network,
  2. to strengthen interaction between the VREF network and Swedish universities, and
  3. to provide an opportunity for PhD students and early stage researchers to get an added value of being part of the VREF FUT Program Network

The invitation is restricted to:

  1. PhD students and early stage researchers working at a CoE, which is supported by the VREF Future Urban Transport (FUT) Program, and
  2. PhD students and early stage researchers working in a research project, which is supported by the VREF Future Urban Transport (FUT) Program, and
  3. PhD students and early stage researchers at a Swedish University, University College or Research Institute

The SVG should be used for a study visit to:

  1. a CoE, which is supported by the VREF FUT Program, or
  2. a research project team, which is supported by the VREF FUT Program, or
  3. to a Swedish university.

The study visit should be related to the work program for the VREF supported CoE/project. Both the home university and the host university for the visit should confirm the arrangement. Within four weeks of the study visit, a summary Study Visit Report should be submitted to VREF. VREF strongly recommends the parties involved in a study visit (the home institution, the host institution and the applicant) to produce a tangible output of the study visit, e.g. a jointly written conference paper.

Each individual grant is limited to maximum of 30 000 SEK. The grant should be used to cover costs in direct relation to the study visit, i.e. travel costs, accommodation cost and other direct costs, e.g. material supply costs. Salary cost, meals and/or per diem will not be covered by the grant. Each applicant can only be awarded one SVG in the same year, and priority will be given to applicants who have not received a VREF SVG before.

For more information about the application process, visit vref website.