
3 January 2019
Report on the COP24 with MobiliseYourCity
The 24th Conference of Parties (COP24) organised by the United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place from […]
3 January 2019
Report on the 8th Africities Summit in Marrakesh
The 8th Africities Summit, organised by United Local Government and Cities of Africa (CGLU), in collaboration with the Moroccan Communal […]
2 January 2019
Urban Mobility Plan of Lome (Togo): a delegation to visit Lyon
The city of Lome is currently developing an Urban Mobility Plan (PDU) in partnership with CODATU. As part of this […]
21 December 2018
Technical Cooperation Brazil Forum – The transition to a more inclusive mobility and the construction of a new urban culture in Brazil
In the past few decades, cities seek a new, more ecological and with less GEE emissions way of development. To […]
10 December 2018
Study tour on rail transport for an Ecuadorian delegation in Lyon, Paris and Grenoble
As part of a partnership between the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition (MTES), the Ecuadorian Ministry of Transport […]
10 December 2018
A workshop to discuss the development of cycling infrastructure in Ecuador
On December 18th and 19th, CODATU will host a workshop in Quito (Ecuador) in the framework of a cooperation between […]
3 December 2018
Tunisia: launching of the Urban Mobility National Policy
A commitment at the highest level The Tunisian Government has commited itself in an ambitious updating of the Urban Mobility […]
3 December 2018
Mission report: CODATU in Niamey
At the request of the President of the Special Delegation (PDS) of Niamey, CODATU carried out an on-site mission from […]
3 December 2018
Report on the LUTP training session in Sousse, 22-27 October 2018
A valuable and constructive session The 2018 “Leaders in Urban Transport Planning” (LUTP) Francophone training session took place in Sousse […]
3 December 2018
Technical cooperation Brazil – Partners from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo visit multimodal stations in France
As part of the technical cooperation among the French Development Agency (AFD), Île-de-France Mobilités, the State of São Paulo and […]