
18 October 2017
The Kochi Metro Experience: A valuable contribution to the history of Indian metros
To highlight the many learnings gathered during the two-year Technical Cooperation between AFD (French Agency for Development), SYTRAL (Transport Authority […]
17 October 2017
CODATU and GART conduct a joint session together at the occasion of RNTP in Marseille
CODATU and GART conduct a joint session together at the occasion of RNTP in Marseille A joint session held by […]
16 October 2017
Launch of the 3rd school year of the Master "Sustainable transport and mobility in African Cities" in Lomé (Togo)
Launch of the 3rd school year of the Master “Sustainable transport and mobility in African Cities” in Lomé (Togo) The […]
12 October 2017
CODATU in Torres Vedras (Portugal) for the project GoSUMP and CIVITAS Forum 2017
CODATU in Torres Vedras (Portugal) for the project GoSUMP and CIVITAS Forum 2017 Launched in 2016 in the frame of […]
10 October 2017
The French Minister of Transports Elisabeth Borne will participate in the UMI-CODATU XVII Conference
The French Minister of Transports Elisabeth Borne will participate in the UMI-CODATU XVII Conference           The […]
4 October 2017
Results of the 3rd CODATU photo competition "Smart & sustainable mobility for happy citizens"
The results are now available! For the 3rd consecutive year, CODATU proposed to photographs around the world, in collaboration with […]
13 September 2017
UMI-CODATU XVII Conference : Pedro Ortiz confirmed his participation as keynote speaker
The participation of Pedro Ortiz in the UMI-CODATU XVII Conference next november is now confirmed. Reknowned urban planner, Pedro Ortiz […]
11 September 2017
CODATU and AMGVM (Association of the Mayors of Madagascar Large Cities) sign an original and ambitious convention
CODATU and AMGVM (Association of the Mayors of Madagascar Large Cities) sign an original and ambitious convention Mr. Paul Razanakolona, […]
5 September 2017
Meeting with Anas Hassan, Head of Roads and Transportation Unit in Ramallah municipality, Palestine
Meeting with Anas Hassan Head of Roads and Transportation Unit in Ramallah municipality, Palestine   Can you please introduce yourself […]
28 July 2017
CODATU XVII Conference - Opportunity for preparation of a Poster
Opportunity for preparation of a Poster The Scientific Process for CODATU XVII Conference is now over. However, the Scientific Committee […]