
21 June 2023
A Kenyan delegation visits France
As part of the cooperation agreement signed at the end of 2019 between CODATU, AFD and the Kenyan Ministry of […]
24 May 2023
SOLUTIONSplus is back with a brand new e-course!
The SOLUTIONSPlus Global Learning Programme on electric mobility is about to kick-off the fourth e-course, about electrification of paratransit services. And what is […]
24 May 2023
Participation of CODATU in the seminar "Urban transport transformation in sub-Saharan Africa - Crossed views" organised by the LAET
In the framework of this seminar organised on 23 May 2023 by the Mobility-Territory Interactions axis of the LAET laboratory […]
22 May 2023
A delegation from AMUGA in Lagos
A delegation from AMUGA (Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority) was in Lagos from 15 to 19 May, accompanied by CODATU, […]
15 May 2023
CODATU Regional Forum in Bogota: registration is open!
We announced the CODATU Regional Forum “Urban Mobility in Latin America”, which will be held in Bogota, Colombia, from 26 […]
11 May 2023
The Dakar Declaration: CODATU's strategic and methodological toolbox
Interview with Jean Jacques Helluin General Delegate “Realities have emerged over time, supporting and guiding our recommendations to developing and […]
10 May 2023
CODATU is in Pakistan!
In the framework of our cooperation with the Nairobi Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (NaMATA), a technical visit is organised from […]
2 May 2023
Postponement of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors
The General Assembly and the Board of Directors meeting, initially scheduled for 04 May 2023, have been postponed to a […]
21 April 2023
CODATU Technical Cooperation in Peru - Visits to Arequipa and Huamanga
Visits to Arequipa and Huamanga, two strategic intermediate cities located in the Andes, took place this week in order to […]
19 April 2023
Technical visit of an Egyptian delegation to Paris
In the framework of a Technical Cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Transport, AFD and CODATU, a technical visit was […]