
2 May 2024
Since its inception in December 2015 during COP21, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership has spearheaded global efforts for sustainable urban mobility planning […]
28 March 2022
Feedback on the XVIII CODATU Conference
The XVIII CODATU Conference took place in November 2021, around the theme: “Research and policy merge: present challenges in urban […]
22 October 2021
Gender, Transport and mobility: Investigation results and CODATU's position
Author: Noémi Mené Gender issues in mobility and transportation have been identified by research for several decades now. However, consideration […]
7 February 2020
5 years later, Kochi and the establishment of a Transport Authority
The city of Kochi (Cochin) welcomed in 2017 a first metro line of which Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL), a […]
31 May 2019
The 2018 annual report is online!
2018 was an exceptional year for CODATU in terms of the extent of its projects and the budget reached by […]
23 April 2019
CODATU mentioned as a strategic partner in the AFD new sectoral intervention framework in the field of mobility and transports
The French Development Agency (AFD) publishes this month its new sectoral intervention framework in the field of mobility and transports, […]
9 April 2019
[Technical Cooperation Peru] CODATU and IFEA co-authored an article!
Using references for the co-construction of knowledge: technical cooperation for urban transport in Peru The article co-authored by Jeremy Robert […]
7 March 2019
The CODATU Technical Cooperation (CTC)
CODATU releases a paper in order to present its technical assistance model, based on experience gained in India, Tunisia, Senegal, […]
6 February 2019
Certification for the Transport and Mobility Master Programme students in Lomé, Togo
On January 23, the 2017-2018 third class students of the Master II “Transport and Sustainable Mobility in African Cities” organised […]
22 May 2018
[Publication] "Public Transport Planning, a viable integrated multimodal citywide network", by B.I Singal
“Public Transport Planning, a viable integrated multimodal citywide network”, by B.I Singal, Former Director General, IUT India   Congestion, lack […]