Agenda during COP21 focuses mainly on the presentation of MobiliseYourCity initiative. Different events are organized in the “Blue Zone” (see the following table) -where accreditations are needed-, in the Climate Generation Zone – at Le Bourget- and in Paris Inner City (Grand Palais, etc.). For Transport Community the two main events will be the Transport Focus the 3rd of December when will be presented the different initiatives part of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) and the Transport Day the 6th of December, at International Union of Railways (UIC). But CODATU is also involved in events within the Cities and Local Governements’ Agenda.
Transport Focus in the Blue Zone on Thursday December 3rd, 2015.
The Lima-Paris Action Agenda capitalises on the invitation to the incoming Presidencies of the COP to enhance the implementation of climate action. The last COP20/CMP10 Peruvian Presidency, the COP 21/CMP 11 French Presidency, the UNFCCC Secretariat and the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations have joined their forces in order to involve both state and the non-state actors in implementation of mitigation action even before 2020. MobiliseYourCity Initiative will be officially launched during this event ! MobiliseYourCity aims to assist, by 2020, 100 cities engaged in deep transformational actions through the implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) supported by National Sustainable Urban Transport Policies (NUTP).
Transport Day at UIC (Paris XVe) on Sunday December 6th, 2015.
This event is organized by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT Partnership), together with Bridging the Gap Initiative (BtG Initiative), and the Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB) following up the success of Transport Day 2014 in Lima, Peru. During this event CODATU and the partners of MobiliseYourCity will facilitate a breakout session on Low Carbon Urban Transport –challenges for planning and implementation in a multi-level governance context.
MobiliseYourCity in the Cities and Sub-national Agenda
MobiliseYourCity will be also presented in various events organized by Cities and Local Governments to highlight there role in mitigation: the Cities and Sub-national Focus of the LPAA the 8th of December, but also in partnership with the organizers of major events which occurred in 2015: the World Summit for Climate and Territories in Lyon, July 2015 and MEDCOP21 in Marseille, June 2015.
List of CODATU’s Events
Date & Time |
Event |
Main organizer |
Location |
30 November |
Promoting Low Carbon Transport |
German Government |
Blue Zone |
2 December |
From World Summit Climate and Territories to the COP21 and beyond: proposals and common dynamics of the non-states actors |
Climate Generation |
2 December |
Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors |
Bridging The Gap |
Blue Zone |
3 December |
Press Release |
Blue Zone |
3 December |
Transport Focus (Thematic day on Transport) |
Blue Zone |
3 December |
Pavillon Gabriel |
4 December |
Urban Mobility Policies and Climate Change |
Blue Zone |
6 December 6 December |
Breakout session on urban mobility: Low Carbon Urban Transport: Challenges for planning and implementation in a multi level governance context |
Paris Process for Mobility and Climate GIZ and CODATU |
International Union of Railways (UIC)
7 December |
After the WSCT : what are the challenges at stake for the non-party stakeholders in climate negociation ? |
Grand Palais, zone Agora Comité 21 |
7 December |
Messages From Non-State Actors on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport |
Dutch Government |
Blue Zone Netherlands Climate Pavilion |
8 December |
Lima Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) Cities and sub-nationals Focus |
Blue Zone |
8 December |
Climate Generation Zone B |