Codatu Technical cooperation in Peru: prospecting mission in some medium-size cities
From December 2nd to December 5th, as part of the National Sustainable Urban Transport Program (Promovilidad), Jean-Marc Mirailles (Codatu’s expert based in Lima) participated in a joint mission involving Clément Larrue (Director of the agency of AFD in Peru), the teams of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru (MTC) and the experts of the World Bank.

Meeting at the municipality of Piura
The objective of this trip was to carry out some prospecting activities with a view to defining an investment program for sustainable and resilient urban transport infrastructure in intermediate cities in Peru. In this context, the cities of Piura, Chiclayo, Trujillo and Huamanga were visited during the week.

Meeting at the municipality of Trujillo
In each city, a technical coordination meeting was organized with officials from the municipality. This meeting allowed for the teams from the MTC, the World Bank, AFD and Codatu to provide an overview of the investment program currently under development; and for local officials to present their issues and needs. Thanks to these meetings, concrete information was collected regarding opportunities for investment projects in various areas: improvement of the public transport infrastructure (development of segregated bus lanes, creation or rehabilitation of bus stops, etc.), development of cycling infrastructure (bike lanes, bike parking, etc.), improvement of traffic management infrastructure (installation and management of traffic lights, development of traffic management centers, etc.), improvement of road safety (interventions at black spots, traffic calming measures, etc.) and improvement of the urban livability through the implementation of superblocks.

Meeting at the College of Architecture of Chiclayo
In addition to the meetings, site visits were conducted in Piura, Trujillo and Huamanga. These visits allowed local officials to put into context the project opportunities presented during the meetings.

Site visit in Trujillo

Site visit in Huamanga
These activities are carried out within the framework of technical cooperation established between the French Development Agency (AFD), the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications and Codatu in support of Promovilidad.