23 November 2023

Feedback session of the CODATU Forum “Urban Mobility in Latin America”

The CODATU Forum feedback session organised yesterday at Leonard:Paris was a resounding success!

The event provided an opportunity to present the results of the Forum and CODATU’s prospects in the region (a new regional forum, training courses, consolidation of a network of MOAs, etc.).

It was also an opportunity to discuss the lessons learned from transport and mobility projects in Latin America at a round table, and to draw parallels with initiatives in CODATU’s partner cities in France, Africa and Asia. The importance of circulating mobility models was highlighted, with attention always being paid to adapting them to the local context, and in particular to integrating them with paratransit, infrastructure management and maintenance, and the social action associated with the project.

With an introduction by Christophe Hug, Deputy Managing Director of VINCI Autoroutes, François DUROVRAY, President of CODATU and Laurent Mazille, Director of Public Affairs at Transdev.

A presentation of the Forum’s results by Alvaro Rodriguez-Valencia, Professor at the Andes University, and Lucile Boudet, Project Manager at CODATU.

A dynamic round table discussion with BROTO André, Former Director of Strategy and Forecasting at VINCI AutoroutesCecile Diguet, Director of the Urban Planning, Development and Territories Department at L’Institut Paris Region, and Guillermo Madrid Transport Project Manager at AFD – Agence Française de Développement.

This feedback from the CODATU Bogota 2023 Forum, organised with the support of Leonard, vinci‘s foresight and innovation platform, was full of learnings and exchanges! We would like to thank all the participants who attended the event both on site and online.