18 June 2018

Forum : Are the Peruvian urban transports entering into a new paradigm?


event was organized under the CODATU Technical Cooperation in Peru. Since February 2016, CODATU, CEREMA, AFD (France’s inclusive development bank) and the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement in order to support the Peruvian Ministry and the city councils into the development of urban mobility projects and the improvement of main Peruvian cities’ public transport systems.

Transitional urban mobility is in progress in Peru:

Currently, there are serious risks of suffocation for Peruvian cities because of the continuous increase of the vehicle fleet into a saturated road system in which there aren’t enough public transport facilities. Nonetheless, the part of public transport and non-motorized equipment stays really high into the Peruvian urban roads (with an average of 80%).

To resolve this issue, the Peruvian Authorities started to develop a reform of the urban transport sector, since the service became inefficient to adapt at the increase of users and the new environmental targets. An uploaded system will give to the users a better way of travelling thanks to a sustainable, safe and efficient new urban mobility. Then, it will maintain the current modal split of 80%.

There is already an awareness of these challenges across the different level of government: A paradigm shift started in order to reform the urban transport system by taking back the controller position.

At the state level, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) and the Ministry of Housing, Building and Sanitation recently prepared urban planning instruments as the National Policy of Urban Transport, the National Policy of Urban Mobility, the National Program of Urban transport and the Master Plan.

The authority that gets the skills on urban transport is the city council. The cities of Lima-Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo and Cusco have worked together for five years at the formalizing and the rationalizing of the public transport lines. They also worked on the fleet renewal and the implementation of higher capacity modes on main roads through projects of “Integrated Transport System” (SIT).

The technical cooperation is supporting the Peruvian institutions:

A Technical Cooperation Agreement has been signed between AFD, CODATU, CEREMA and the LTC in February 2016 with the aim of reinforcing the government’s skills of urban planning and gradual integration of transport networks in Peru. This agreement will end in August 2018.

During the two years of this agreement: five workshops, three technical visits in France and many meetings have been organized to facilitate a paradigm shift in Peruvian cities and to lead them from a conventional transport system to the Integrated Transport System (SIT).

These activities have allowed to identifying studies that needed a funding from the Cooperation and by AFD. The Cooperation helps for example the city of Arequipa through a study of pre-investment for the public transport system on its major roads. It also supports Cuzco with a study on the accessibility of its historical inner city. Therefore, the Cooperation provides a specific technical support to city councils through the unique ticketing system’s project.

Capitalizing the country’s progress in order to reform the urban transport:

The forum gathered many Peruvian actors, among who the Minister of Transport and Communications and the Vice Minister of Transport. NGO’s, Universities’ and Bank of developments’ representatives were also invited. Columbian and French experts of the public transport field also came to the meeting and brought their precious knowledge.

The Technical Cooperation organized a Conference named: “Are the Peruvian urban transports entering into a new paradigm?” the 7thof June 2018 in Lima. The aim of this forum was to promote the progress realized in Peru for the paradigm shift concerning mobility issues.

The forum capitalized the state and local governments improvements of the introduction of the SIT, the development of urban planning instruments and the using of digital tools to share these at a national scale.

  • From a conventional transport system to an integrated one

The first session gave an opportunity to discuss about “how to develop an integrated transport system into the Peruvian cities?”. The Technical Cooperation shown good practices that have been reached in Lima-Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo and Cuzco concerning their urban transport paradigm shift.

Then, representatives from some Peruvian cities demonstrated to the audience different projects and actions, Polo Pérez explained what issues his firms are dealing with and Maria Elena Restrepo, who works for the Medellin subway system, exposed how Colombian cities are developing efficient public transport system.

  • Policy and planning instruments to bring a paradigm shift

During the afternoon, state and local authorities shown the institutional tools that they developed to support the urban transport paradigm shift. After that, came an interesting exchange of ideas between the central government and local authorities concerning urban mobility plans.

  • Raise awareness about new digital instruments that allow improving the use and the organization of public transport.

The last session was about a think concerning new digital instruments developed by Peruvian local actors in order to improve the use of public transport in their cities. The audience expressed an ongoing interest for trying to understand how these innovative tools will work for the next years.
