Kenyan delegation in France: visit continues
After visiting the CODATU team on 19 June, the Kenyan delegation, made up of members of the Nairobi Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (NaMATA), the Kenyan Parliament, Nairobi County, the Kenyan National Treasury and the Kenyan Railways Authority, and an Ethiopian delegation made up of members of the Municipality of Addis Ababa, continued their programme.
This visit, organised within the framework of the cooperation agreement signed at the end of 2019 between CODATU, AFD and the Kenyan Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Urban Development and Public Works (MoTIHUD), aims to support NaMATA in its capacity building, internal structuring and institutional positioning.

The delegations visited the Lyon transport network with Keolis, met François DUROVRAY, President of CODATU, Guy Le Bras, Director General of GART, and Olivier François, Director of Cabinet at Ile-de-France Mobilités.

The NaMATA team and the deputy governor of Nairobi were also able to visit the French National Assembly to meet members of parliament.

The rest of the programme included a visit to the Fabrique du Métro in Paris, the Paris City Hall and the AFD headquarters, and finally a meeting with business leaders at the Business Club organised by CODATU.
It was a technical visit rich in meetings and exchanges, with the aim of developing a shared vision of urban mobility in Nairobi.