
12 June 2017
Mobilise Your City (MYC) steering committee
The second steering committee of Mobilise Your City took place in Brussels on 9th May 2017, the first one happened […]
12 June 2017
Launch of the European project GoSUMP!
CODATU takes part of the European project « GoSUMP » selected under the Interreg MED call for proposals. The main […]
9 June 2017
Tounes Tetnafes 2017 (Tunis is Breathing 2017) : First Car Free Day in Tunis
An urban mobility crisis in Tunis The capital city of Tunisia located within the Great Tunis urban area faces a […]
9 June 2017
Technical Cooperation Tunisia - Towards a sustainable national urban mobility policy in Tunisia with MobiliseYourcity
Although the year 2016 in Tunisia is representative of a national strategy renewal for transport and is a key year […]
9 June 2017
One-day seminar on Paratransit, Aix-Marseille University, 02/03/2017
Taking advantage of highly positive reviews for the original One-day seminar on Paratransit (Paris, March 2016), a second One-day seminar […]
8 June 2017
Launch of a technical cooperation program in Brazil
A technical cooperation program was launched in late March 2017 as a partnership among AFD, STIF, CEREMA, CODATU, São Paulo […]
7 June 2017
Second Seminar in Phuket (Thailand) : "Transport in the city: How to speed-up high quality and efficient projects?"
A first Thai-French Seminar in Bangkok (November 2016) This second seminar on Urban Transport organized in Phuket last May comes […]
6 June 2017
Annual Report 2016
The year 2016 has been full of activities for CODATU association. The whole team is delighted to present, through the […]
30 May 2017
UMI-CODATU XVII Conference - Registration is now open!
Registration to UMI-CODATU XVII Conference ! Registration to the UMI-CODATU XVII Conference, to be held in Hyderabad (India) from 4th […]
24 April 2017
Management of local authorities - Training program
“The tools of urban planning” : A training course dedicated to local authorities To support local authorities in their role […]