
28 November 2015
Photo Competition 2015 - "Change mobility, not climate" - Results available!
To heighten the awareness on the reality and risks that emissions brings to our society, and its impacts on climate […]
19 November 2015
Call for Abstract: Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC) - Dhaka, 5-6 February 2016
*1st Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC) 2016* Theme: “Planning and Development in Developing Country Perspectives” 5-6 February 2016, Jahangirnagar University, […]
16 November 2015
Urban Mobility India Conference from 24th to 26th of November
The Urban Mobility India (UMI) Conference and Expo is an annual event with the overarching theme which runs across all […]
16 November 2015
A Mediterranean Positive Agenda, outcome of MEDCOP21 Forum
A MEDITERRANEAN POSITIVE AGENDA In June 2015, MEDCOP21 brought together in Marseille (France) representatives of National and Local Governments, experts […]
16 November 2015
National Days of Urban Transport in Jordan - A short report
The National Days for Urban Transport, organized in partnership with AFD, Euromed RRU, the CMI and the CEREMA took place […]
16 November 2015
Discussion Session: The cities of the Middle East at the eve of a "sustainable spring" ?
With a view to foster converging perspectives by gathering both research and business communities, CODATU, in partnership with CNAM Rhône […]
16 November 2015
[Journal] CODATU in the OCEMO edition No.4, November 2015: "The Mediterranean Economic Week"
The office of Economic Cooperation for the Mediterranean and Middle East (OCEMO) was founded in late 2011, with the initial […]
7 November 2015
24-27 November - UMI (Urban Mobility India) Conference 2015 - New Delhi
The Urban Mobility India (UMI) Conference and Expo is an annual event with the overarching theme which runs across all […]
7 November 2015
EASTS - New publications and Call for contributions
EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) have three announcements:   (1) Publication of Asian Transport Studies [ONLINE ISSN: 2185-5560] […]
7 November 2015
26th-27th November, Abidjan - AfDB Transport Forum on "Sustainable Transport for an Integrated Africa"
“Sustainable Transport for an Integrated Africa” The first African Development Bank Transport Forum will take place on the 26th and […]