11 September 2024

Professionalization of taxi drivers in Madagascar : CODATU organises training on the different legal forms for transport operators

From 10 to 18 September, on behalf of the Ministries of Decentralisation and Town and Country Planning, Transport and Meteorology, Codatu is organising training for transport operators on legal forms. This training was organised in response to a need identified at the Greater Antananarivo Urban Mobility Forum organised by Codatu on 24 and 25 April 2024.

The change of legal form from the current cooperative to a transport company of the Groupement Inter-entreprises (GIE) or Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) type is one of the pillars of the professionalisation of taxi be (local buses) to enable certain activities to be pooled. The aim of the training is to explain the advantages and obligations of these different legal forms. 3 training sessions are planned for a total of 60 volunteer hauliers.

The training is also an opportunity to discuss the Zotra Fitaratra project, a taxi modernisation project for which CODATU is technical assistant. This project includes the change of legal form for the future operator of the Iarivo bypass line, a pilot line for the modernisation of the taxi be.

This project is financed by the Agence Française de Développement.