IVORY COAST: Support for the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority (2024 – 2026)


the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority (AMUGA)



Initial budget

845 000 €

Technical partners


Type of agreement


Duration of the agreement

2 years

Implementation date and schedule

Launch: September 2024 Activities planned until the end of 2026

Context of the cooperation

Since 2021, CODATU has been involved in leading technical cooperation in Abidjan with the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority.

The current public transport system in the Abidjan conurbation is mainly characterised by the presence of operators with concession agreements with the State of Ivory Coast and unconventioned transport operators (also known as paratransit operators), which are not very structured but subject to prior authorisation, the latter accounting for around 70% to 75% of the public transport market share. To meet the growing mobility needs of the metropolis, which is expected to have 10 million inhabitants by 2050, in 2016 the authorities adopted the Greater Abidjan Urban Master Plan (SDUGA), which is currently being revised. This strategic plan recommended the creation of two major public transport routes: a metro (North-South corridor) and a BRT (East-West corridor). These two projects, the first supported by France and the second by the World Bank and AFD, have similar commissioning schedules. They are currently under construction, and a restructuring of the transport network around this core network is planned. In particular, this new network will require a coordinated intermodal approach, the professionalisation of paratransit, and a review of fare integration and ticketing interoperability.

The aim is to (i) encourage the development of active modes (walking and cycling) under safer conditions and in complementarity with mass transport, (ii) ensure the development and organisation of urban transport in Abidjan and its suburbs, with the impact of increasing the relative market share of mass public transport compared with paratransit, and (iii) to resolve the thorny issue of urban mobility in Greater Abidjan with a view to modernising it with the Metro and BRT projects, the State of Ivory Coast has created the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority (AMUGA) in 2019.

AMUGA’s mission is to organise and coordinate the various modes of transport in Greater Abidjan. To this end, its actions aim to establish ‘sustainable mobility for all’ in Greater Abidjan.

To support AMUGA in its initial structuring phase and help it put mobility back at the heart of urban development policies, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) has mobilised financial resources within the framework of an initial FEXTE (Technical Expertise and Experience Exchange Fund) for AMUGA over the period 2021-2023. Several initiatives to support governance and build the capacity of AMUGA staff have been carried out under this framework (thematic workshops, training, launch of studies, technical visits).

Given the interest shared by the beneficiaries and the various cooperation partners, a second FEXTE was launched to continue the actions. This second FEXTE, which began in 2024, will run for three years.


Main needs

The technical cooperation led by CODATU aims to provide AMUGA with :
– support for the consolidation and development of AMUGA, through activities relating to the governance of urban mobility and mentoring for AMUGA’s senior managers;
– support to strengthen the skills of teams in technical areas related to the management of its projects and the development of the institution’s missions;
– specific technical support on strategic projects, particularly on the subjects of professionalising the paratransit sector and intermodality;
– promoting AMUGA’s skills and achievements locally and internationally.

This support will be provided through thematic workshops, targeted expert missions, study visits, participation in international events, training, coaching and immersion courses.


Codatu Team

  • Cooperation officer in Abidjan: Manon DEBAIN, mdebain@codatu.org
  • Project Manager: Solène Baffi, sbaffi@codatu.org

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Our cooperations

IVORY COAST: Support for the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority (2024 - 2026)
ANGOLA: Support for the Angolan Ministry of Transport (2022 - 2025)
ECUADOR: Support for the Ministry of Transport and Public Works of Ecuador (2018 - 2022)
ARGENTINA: Support for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in developing its urban and sustainable mobility policy (2021 - 2024)
COLOMBIA: Support for the structuring of the Regional Transport Authority for Cali and its metropolitan area (Cauca Valley Government) 2019 - 2020
PERU (2): Support for Promovilidad (programme of the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications) (2022 - 2025)
PERU (1): Support for Peru's Ministry of Transport and Communications (2016-2019)
BRAZIL: Support for the Transport Secretariats of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the State of Sao Paolo (2017 - 2020)
INDIA: Support to Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) 2015-2017
TUNISIA: Technical cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Transport (2016-2018 and 2019-2022)
SENEGAL: Technical assistance for capacity building and reorganisation of CETUD (2017 - 2023)
EGYPT: Improvement of mobility systems in Cairo and Alexandria (2017 - 2020 extension 2023)
KENYA: Support to the Nairobi Mobility Authority (2021- 2023)
IVORY COAST: Support to the Urban Mobility Authority of Greater Abidjan (2021 - 2023)
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