IVORY COAST: Support to the Urban Mobility Authority of Greater Abidjan (2021 – 2023)


Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority (AMUGA)


Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Initial budget

550 000 €

Technical partners

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Type of agreement


Duration of the agreement

2 years

Implementation date and schedule

Launch: september 2021 Activities planned until end of 2023

Context of the cooperation

Since 2021, CODATU has been involved in the animation of a technical cooperation in Abidjan, with the Greater Abidjan Mobility Organising Authority.

Indeed, in view of the increase in mobility needs in Abidjan, the authorities adopted in 2015 a Master Plan for Urban Development of Greater Abidjan (SDUGA) which promotes a radical improvement of the public transport offer by recommending, in particular, the construction of two complementary and interconnected heavy axes: one North-South, which is the subject of a metro project supported by France, and the other East-West, which is the subject of a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) project around which the Abidjan Urban Mobility Project (PMUA) financed by the World Bank and the AFD is structured. The timetables for the commissioning of these two major projects are similar, which underlines the interest of an intermodal approach.

In order to organise and coordinate these structuring developments and to ensure the professionalisation and modernisation of small-scale transport, the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority (AMUGA) was created in 2019 with the mission of structuring and regulating traffic and the public transport network for the Abidjan district.

Main needs

The technical cooperation led by CODATU aims to provide AMUGA with:

  • Support for the consolidation and structuring of AMUGA, through activities relating to the governance of urban mobility and mentoring of AMUGA executives
  • Specific technical support on strategic projects, in particular on the subjects of modernisation of the small-scale transport sector and intermodality.
  • This support will be implemented through thematic workshops, technical visits to French cities and several African metropolises, and targeted expertise missions.

Codatu Team

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Our cooperations

ANGOLA: Support for the Angolan Ministry of Transport (2022 - 2025)
ECUADOR: Support for the Ministry of Transport and Public Works of Ecuador (2018 - 2022)
ARGENTINA: Support for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in developing its urban and sustainable mobility policy (2021 - 2024)
COLOMBIA: Support for the structuring of the Regional Transport Authority for Cali and its metropolitan area (Cauca Valley Government) 2019 - 2020
PERU (2): Support for Promovilidad (programme of the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications) (2022 - 2025)
PERU (1): Support for Peru's Ministry of Transport and Communications (2016-2019)
BRAZIL: Support for the Transport Secretariats of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the State of Sao Paolo (2017 - 2020)
INDIA: Support to Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) 2015-2017
TUNISIA: Technical cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Transport (2016-2018 and 2019-2022)
SENEGAL: Technical assistance for capacity building and reorganisation of CETUD (2017 - 2023)
EGYPT: Improvement of mobility systems in Cairo and Alexandria (2017 - 2020 extension 2023)
KENYA: Support to the Nairobi Mobility Authority (2021- 2023)
IVORY COAST: Support to the Urban Mobility Authority of Greater Abidjan (2021 - 2023)
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