Review of the AUTREMENT project closing seminar
The AUTREMENT project concluded with a closing seminar in Kairouan and Mahdia from 30 January to 1 February 2024. Attended by around 135 participants from various Mediterranean countries and organisations, the event presented the project’s achievements and sketched out the future of active mobility in Tunisia.

From the outset, AUTREMENT‘s aim has been to promote active mobility in Tunisia. The closing seminar served as a frame of reference for realising this vision, providing a platform for presenting the tangible results of the project.
The main objective of the seminar was to present the successes of AUTREMENT, the challenges it has met and the promising avenues for encouraging active mobility and civic participation in Tunisia. Among the highlights were the presentations by representatives from Kairouan and Mahdia, who outlined the fundamentals of the project: capacity-building and local governance, development and planning of public spaces, mobilisation and awareness-raising among citizens, and communication and visibility. Collaboration between the project partners – Strasbourg, Kairouan, Mahdia, CODATU, CEREMA and ALDA– has been a key factor in achieving these milestones.
The event also included three parallel workshops highlighting the project’s achievements. The workshop on capacity-building and local governance saw the active participation of partner local authorities, offering enriching perspectives. The workshop on public space planning and the sustainable, shared urban mobility plan, in collaboration with CODATU and CEREMA, focused on innovative visions for sustainable public spaces. Another workshop focused on mobilising and raising awareness among citizens, during which AADL and the local project office presented the Methodological Guide on tools for strengthening citizen participation. Representatives from Kairouan and Mahdia played an active role, underlining their commitment to an informed and dynamic citizenry.

The event also included guided tours of Kairouan and Mahdia, allowing participants to explore the project facilities and engage with various bicycle service projects created as part of the AUTREMENT project. This outdoor exploration reflected the project’s dynamic, community-based approach to urban mobility.
The closing seminar emphasised the importance of exchanging practices and looking to the future of sustainable and active urban mobility. It unfolded as a story of collaboration, transformation and a vision of a future where active mobility is seamlessly integrated into Tunisia’s urban landscapes. The project’s journey leaves a lasting legacy for sustainable urban mobility in the region.