Jean-Jacques HELLUIN, General Delegate
Engineer and urban planner with more than 20 years of experience in the cities of the South, Jean-Jacques HELLUIN is responsible for the general management of the association and the development of projects.

Cynthia AKPRO, Deputy Managing Director
Cynthia AKPRO holds two Masters degrees, one in business risk management and the other in financial and accounting management. She is CODATU’s Deputy Managing Director, in charge of the administrative and financial management of the Association and its projects, as well as the management of human resources.

Chantal PICARD, Executive Assistant
With more than 25 years of experience in the associative field, Chantal Picard is an Executive Assistant, in charge of administration and in support of the accounting and human resources management of the Deputy General Delegate.

Solène BAFFI, Project Manager
Solène Baffi is a Doctor of Geography and coordinates technical cooperation in Senegal, Egypt, Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire within CODATU, as well as training and scientific activities. In this capacity, she is also a research associate of the PRODIG laboratory (UMR 8586).

Lucile BOUDET, Project Manager
Trained in political science and urban services engineering, Lucile BOUDET coordinates CODATU’s activities in Latin America and Angola.

Héloïse CHAUMIER, Project Manager
Trained as a urban planer, Héloïse CHAUMIER is Project Manager for the Mediterranean and West Africa zones. She also leads the Club des Autorités organisatrices de la mobilité (AOM).

Karine ANDRIAMIRAHO, Project Manager
Urban planning engineer Karine ANDRIAMIRAHO is Project Manager for Madagascar and the Indian Ocean.

Salima MEZRAÏ, Communication Officer
Salima MEZRAÏ has a Master’s degree in Organisational Communication and has experience in the public, private and associative sectors. She manages CODATU’s global communication.

Rojo ANDRIANAMPOINA, Project Officer
Graduated in Urban Planning and Engineering, Rojo ANDRIANAMPOINA is Project Manager for the Dakar Declaration Observatory.
Field team CODATU

Manon Debain, Technical Cooperation Officer, Ivory Coast
With her engineering training and the expertise she developed over several years in a consultancy specialising in mobility, Manon is in charge of technical cooperation in Abidjan with the Greater Abidjan Urban Mobility Authority and the Agence Française de Développement.

Francesca GAL, Technical Cooperation Officer, Peru
With a Master’s degree in urban planning and various experiences in the public sector in Mexico and associations in France, Francesca GAL leads the technical cooperation in Peru established between the French Development Agency, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru and CODATU, in the implementation of policies and projects for sustainable urban mobility in Peruvian cities.

Jean-Marc MIRAILLES, Senior expert, Peru
Engineer and planner, Jean-Marc MIRAILLES is the senior expert in Peru within the framework of the technical cooperation established between the French Development Agency, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru and CODATU, in view of implementing policies and projects for sustainable urban mobility in Peruvian cities. He facilitates the management of the cooperation activities and provides technical assistance services as well as capacity building.
Team MobiliseYourCity

Eleonore FRANCOIS-JACOBS, Partnerships and Outreach Manager, Belgium
After having worked for different organisations committed to the sustainable development of cities around the world, Eléonore François-Jacobs is in charge of partnerships and advocacy within the MobiliseYourCity Secretariat.

Giuliana AMBROSINO, Communications Officer, Belgium
Giuliana AMBROSINO holds a Master’s degree in Communication for International Cooperation, and has experience in various public, private and voluntary organisations. She is the Communications Officer at the MobiliseYourCity Secretariat.

Nicolas CRUZ, Sustainable Mobility Expert, Belgium
A civil and environmental engineer with a Master’s degree in sustainable development, Nicolas is responsible for the methodological and capacity building framework within the MobiliseYourCity Secretariat.

Milnael GOMEZ, Climate Change Adaptation Expert, Belgium
An engineer with a passion for cities and a commitment to sustainable development, Milnael GOMEZ is a Climate Change Adaptation Expert at the Secretariat MobiliseYourCity.