Technical cooperation in Peru has begun
In June 2022, CODATU, AFD and the Peruvian Ministry of Transport signed a 3-year cooperation agreement to support the PROMOVILIDAD entity which assists Peruvian cities (with the exception of the capital Lima-Callao) with their transport and mobility projects. This programme follows on from an initial cooperation programme set up from 2016 to 2019, which enabled transport projects to emerge, in particular that of a tramway in the city of Arequipa.-Callao)
This second CODATU technical cooperation project began in September 2022 with the arrival of the Cooperation Officer, Francesca Gal, on site. To assist PROMOVILIDAD in their support for Peruvian secondary towns, an initial reconnaissance exercise was carried out to understand how far the projects had progressed, to identify the most immediate needs in terms of technical support and to define the programme of cooperation activities for the coming months.
PROMOVILIDAD is the national sustainable transport programme set up in 2019 to support Peruvian cities (with the exception of Lima and Callao) in drawing up Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), formulating investment projects based on these studies and building the institutional capacity of local players.
Planned to last three years, the technical cooperation financed by AFD will directly support the PROMOVILIDAD team in implementing efficient, integrated and sustainable urban transport systems in four of the twenty-nine Peruvian cities monitored by the programme: Arequipa, Cusco, Huamanga and Piura.
Inaugurated by the arrival of the Cooperation Officer at PROMOVILIDAD’s offices in September 2022 and an initial field visit to Arequipa with the technical team, this cooperation programme will involve the organisation of various activities (workshops, expert missions, technical visits) designed to encourage exchanges and dialogue on public urban transport policies, drawing on international and French experience, and to build the capacity of local players.
To complete the team mobilised by CODATU, a senior expert, who will be based in Lima, will join the programme in the first half of 2023 to provide direct technical support in monitoring and reviewing studies, training staff and leading workshops.