21 June 2024

Technical cooperation in Peru: mission to Chiclayo

During the week of 10 to 14 June 2024, the Codatu team in Peru travelled to Chiclayo with representatives of the National Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (Promovilidad) of the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The purpose of the trip was twofold:

Firstly, on 10, 11 and 12, a field visit was made to identify opportunities for articulated work. Through coordination meetings with officials from the provincial municipality of Chiclayo (MPCH) and visits to the city, the team gathered key information on urban mobility (urban development plans drawn up, urban transport and mobility projects underway or planned, etc.), with a view to identifying areas for collaboration in terms of technical assistance and projects that respond to local issues.

On Thursday 13th and Friday 14th, the third technical cooperation workshop took place: the North macro-regional workshop on sustainable urban mobility planning.

The event brought together councillors and officials from the departments of urban development, transport and road traffic and the Metropolitan Institute of Territorial Planning and Cadastral Management of the MPCH, as well as representatives from the districts of Reque and San José, part of the city of Chiclayo. Representatives from the provinces of Piura, Santa, Tumbes, Chachapoyas, Cajamarca and Jaén and officials from Transportes Metropolitanos de Trujillo (TMT) also took part.

The course, led by Codatu senior expert Jean-Marc Mirailles, focused on transport and urban mobility planning, with an emphasis on sustainability – a key issue if reform processes and improvements in the sector are to be promoted at local level in an integrated way and in line with the city’s urban development.

Cette initiative a permis de présenter le cadre théorique relatif à l’élaboration des Plans de Mobilité Urbaine Durable (en anglais SUMP), et d’analyser en détail les phases clés et les points critiques dans le développement de cet outil de planification. En outre, une activité pratique en groupe a permis aux participants de se familiariser avec le processus d’élaboration de scénarios de manière concrète. Enfin, les représentants de TMT ont présenté l’expérience de Trujillo, qui a élaboré son SUMP en 2019, en partageant les étapes clés et les défis rencontrés tout au long du processus. Ces activités sont menées dans le cadre de la coopération technique établie entre l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD), le Ministère péruvien des Transports et des Communications et Codatu en soutien à Promovilidad.