Technical cooperation

21 June 2024
During the week of 10 to 14 June 2024, the Codatu team in Peru travelled to Chiclayo with representatives of […]
20 June 2024
Technical cooperation in Peru: mission to Juliaca
Du 29 au 31 mai, l’équipe de Codatu au Pérou (Francesca Gal, chargée de coopération, et Jean-Marc Mirailles, expert senior) […]
19 April 2024
Codatu in Peru: leading the online workshop on drawing up SUMPs
On Thursday 4 April 2024, Jean-Marc Mirailles, Codatu’s senior expert in transport and urban mobility, took part in the first […]
4 April 2024
Technical Cooperation Angola: study visit by an Angolan delegation to Paris and Lyon
From 25 to 29 March, AFD and Codatu welcomed an Angolan delegation on a study trip to Paris and Lyon. […]
22 March 2024
MTC-AFD-CODATU technical cooperation: mission to Peruvian intermediate cities
During the week of 11 to 15 March, Natalia Cárdenas (Head of Transport and Mobility Projects at AFD‘s Andean Department) […]
26 February 2024
Technical cooperation MTC-AFD-CODATU: Participation in Promovilidad's internal institutional planning workshop
On Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 February 2024, the CODATU team in Peru took part in the institutional planning workshop […]
26 January 2024
AUTREMENT project: the Tunisian delegation visits Lyon
From 15 to 20 January 2024, a Tunisian delegation made up of members of the municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia […]
19 December 2023
Technical cooperation Ministry of Transport Angola - AFD - CODATU: improving the perception and operation of the Luanda railway line
In May 2022, AFD, CODATU and the Angolan Ministry of Transport (MinTrans) signed a cooperation agreement to support MinTrans in […]
19 December 2023
Technical cooperation Peruvian Ministry of Transport - AFD - CODATU: 2023 closes with a participatory workshop with representatives of PROMOVILIDAD and 8 intermediate towns in Peru
The workshop was held on 5 December in Lima as part of the technical cooperation established between the Agence Française […]
15 December 2023
A Libyan delegation visits Paris
A Libyan delegation was in Paris this week to explore urban mobility solutions and discover French expertise in the urban […]