Habitat III is the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. In a context marked by new challenges of urbanization, twenty years after the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul, Habitat III will be a major event on cities problems. Habitat III Conference will be held in Quito (Ecuador) from the 17th to the 20th October 2016 on the theme Sustainable urban development: the future of urbanization?
As part of the Habitat III preparation process, Member States, local organizations and institutions can organize thematic or regional meetings, in order to ensure participation in the development of the New Urban Agenda.
Following the conference, a Declaration will be adopted by Member States. Non-binding, it will nevertheless be decisive for the development of national policies. Indeed, the declaration will present guidelines for programs and actions implemented on sustainable urban development.
Urban Thinker Campus
The Urban Thinkers Campuses are an UN-Habitat initiative and were designed as spaces of exchange between urban actors convinced that urbanization is an opportunity for tomorrow. The director of the World Urban Campaign committee recommended increasing the urban campus in order to amplify the movement and accelerate the formulation of new ideas for the Habitat III conference. In fact, urban campus will actively contribute to advocacy “The City We Want”.
As part of the preparation of Habitat III, the Network of the French Urban Planning Agencies (FNAU), the Paris Region Planning and Development Agency (IAU Île-de-France) and the French Alliance for Cities and Territorial Development (PFVT) organize on the 20th and 21st January 2016 an Urban Thinkers Campus in Paris.
Two days of exchange and production in working groups and six colleges will formulate recommendations on the French theme “city of tomorrow, inclusive, smart and planned” around concrete proposals on the issues, governance, tools and the implementation of this. This campus will seek to formalize a statement and a report that will be paid as a working document for the Summit Habitat III.
The Campus will take place in the premises of Unesco, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris.
Must register before January 10 here.
CODATU wishes to engage in the process HABITAT III and will soon unveil other events. The next appointment where CODATU will be present are:
- – Prague, 16th-18th March 2016 HABITAT III Regional Meeting
- – Surabaya, 25th-27th July 2016, PrepCom3