10 July 2014

We have much more than transport in common

CODATU, the current level of CO2 emissions from transport sector shows the need to rethink urban transport and limit its contribution to climate change. Nowadays, almost a quarter of CO2 emissions rejected to the atmosphere are attributable to transport sector. This high level of emissions coming from transport relies, in particular, on the dependence to fossil fuels: they consume more than half of the hydrocarbons existing in the world. And, it’s expected that, if dynamics continue as they are now, the emissions from this sector will increase by 140% by 2050.

A responsibility from the North but a dynamic from the South

Several studies indicate that by 2050, 90% of the emissions growth will come from developing and emerging countries. Being given the rates of demographic growth of developing countries cities, it is know that the need for travel will grow accordingly and, depending on the urban development, it might or not contribute to climate change. At the moment, from all the fossil fuel used by transports, 40 % is consumed to ensure motorized travel in urban zones. If countries from the North are the first responsible of climate change, it is needed to pay a particular attention to the evolution of South cities.

Participating on the positive agenda

CODATU’s initiative integrates the Positive agenda approach that is carried by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This approach aims to encourage stakeholders and other parties to adopt commitments allowing to prove the will of the North to contribute strongly and actively in the fight against climate change. The objective is to act voluntarily before the entering into force of the new international binding agreement that must be signed during the Conference of the Parties in Paris in December 2015 and which will define a new climate regime after 2020.

A joint effort from local authorities

CODATU is willing to mobilize decision-makers to work on the possibilities and options to transform urban transport system towards greater sustainability. This initiative aims to strengthen solidarity between local authorities dealing with climatic changes through a transfer of know-how contributing to the development of sustainable urban mobility in the South. The experience of CODATU and its partners in this area will allow decision-makers and experts from the North and the South to share their Know-how and the acquired experience during the implementation of an urban sustainable mobility.

Decision-makers getting together around a declaration

CODATU invites local decision-makers to sign the declaration We have much more than transport in common (contact us to have access to the text before the 14th of October). This initiative is the first step on the actions program that has as objective to encourage local authorities to engage a major change of urban mobility by 2020 by associating energy efficiency and economic and social prosperity.

This declaration will be officially presented at the one-day seminar taking place at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM), in Paris, the 14th of October 2014 and that will treat as main topic:

“Climate change: a common opportunity to transform urban transport”

Thanks to this journey, that will get together public and private stakeholders, national and international experts of transport and climate sectors, CODATU and its partners will encourage the debates and renew thinking on climate change stakes at local level, at the same time it would be the occasion to analyze the mitigation and prosperity opportunities presented by urban sustainable mobility for cities from the North and the South.